



你們好好休息。等我回來。希望不會太久!哈哈!Love You All!MUAKXXX....

P/s:台灣以外的朋友們,你們真的等很久了。我要來了喔!哈哈!See You All Soon. ^-^


Finally, album promotions is ended on 7/7/09 in Taiwan. I am exhausted today and take a shower after all jobs today, starting to read the letters and unpack all presents. And I drop my tears... a bit. It's touching and I can feel all your loves. I know you all are tired like me for following my activities all these days in Taiwan.

There was a tough and full promotion events I never have in Taiwan for album, but I felt very proud and not tired at all, I knew the reason now, finally, it's because of all your supports and smiles make me feel joyful! You all are the best! Cheers! Thanks for all!

After the last Meet The Fans on 5/7 Sunday, I have been feeling a bit wired, all of you reminding me not to forgot each of you, how can I forgotten all the good memories with you all? But I really need times to recognize or remembering your names la...haha!

Lastly, I want to say THANKS again... to all of you. No matter how is the sales figure of the album, but we all did the best, 100%! I will miss you all the times and keep the memorable moments. Let me away for other countries promotions now, all the fans out there also waiting for me ya! haha...

Taiwan fans, just take a good rest and waiting for the next sessions we always looking for. Hope not be too long la! Muakxxx!

P/S: Fans in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong & China... sorry for waiting so long! I'm coming soon! hahah..



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